NWO Globalists Exploit Financial Meltdown In Move Towards One World Currency
(too old to reply)
The General........Public:.are.. Lobotomized Sheep
2008-10-20 17:03:58 UTC
Globalists Exploit Financial Meltdown In Move Towards One World Currency

The swift and ruthless exploitation of the economic meltdown on behalf of
globalists and central banks revolves around their drive to move towards a
one world currency system and an unprecedented centralization of global
financial power.


Monday, October 20, 2008

The swift and ruthless exploitation of the economic meltdown on behalf of
globalists and central banks revolves around their drive to move towards a
one world currency system and an unprecedented centralization of global
financial power.

Statements on behalf of world leaders and central banks over the past two
weeks have made it clear that the agenda to further collate economic power
and control of currencies into the hands of the few is rapidly
accelerating - all in the name of solving a financial crisis that was caused
as a result of the same fiat money system that the elite themselves created
and maintained.

The original Bretton Woods agreement in 1944, spurred by the depression of
the 1930s and the second world war, created the International Monetary Fund,
the World Bank and laid down common standards for markets around the world.
Now with the current financial crisis EU leaders see another opportunity to
impose global regulations on sovereign economies.

As the crisis reached its peak at the end of September, British Prime
Minister Gordon Brown led the call for “a new global financial order” in
which the world financial system would be built around a centrally
coordinated policy of international regulation.

Morgan Stanley Chief Executive John Mack has also called for a new global
body to oversee the financial crisis, warning that it is like nothing he’s
ever seen before.

The sentiment echoes those of elite figures such as CFR member Jeffrey
Garten and Timothy Geithner, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York, who have both recently called for a “new global monetary authority”, a
de-facto global financial dictatorship, operating across borders and forcing
nations and corporations to register and adhere to strict monitoring and

European Central Bank council member Ewald Nowotny told Bloomberg yesterday
that the centrality of the U.S. dollar was in question and that a
“tri-polar” global currency system is in development between the U.S., Asia
and Europe to replace it.

This followed a call by French President to question whether a “worldwide
currency system” should be introduced in response to the financial crisis.

“Another subject in tomorrow’s world is that of the great currencies. How
many should there be? What should the agreement between these great
currencies be? Should we organize a discussion? Should a country like India
one day have a global currency?” Sarkozy told a news conference, reports

Any discussion would be purely academic, as the ruling elite long ago
decided to force a global currency down our throats. In fact, a global
currency is at the very core of their plan to dominate the world. Control
money and you control the destiny of states, you eliminate national
sovereignty. “The control of money and credit strikes at the very heart of
national sovereignty,” A.W. Clausen, president of Bank of America once

As Georgetown professor and CFR historian Carroll Quigley noted, the goal of
the banking families and their minions consists of “nothing less than to
create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate
the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a
whole… controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world
acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private
meetings and conferences.”

It remains to be seen if the EU will realize its “solution” to the world
economic crisis. In 2007, Robert Mundell, “the father of the euro,” noted
that “international monetary reform usually becomes possible only in
response to a felt need and the threat of a global crisis.”

Certainly, the elite cooked up an appropriate global crisis, now they will
engage in a full court press to establish a global currency and eventually a
global government.
2008-10-21 02:01:01 UTC
It will not happen in our lifetimes where the world has one currency. 2
huge reasons.

First, the banks enjoy quite a benefit from exchange of money. Say they get
1.5% in converting CAD to US for $1,000,000 of lettuce from California, that
is $10,000 for one transaction! Consumers pick this up as added cost with
no real value but the banks it is serious income.

Next roadblock is the control of interest rates and "printing" more money to
cover excessive spending by a countries governments. I can't see getting
all the world governments to agree any time soon on this. Too many
governments are in love with printing money any time they want more. It
would be a freedom they would have to give up.

What will happen is like the Euro. Regional efforts and say 50 or 100 years
from now this may happen. The New World Currency will come, just not soon.

What is really happening now is that governments are printing money and
replacing the remnants of the free market loan economy. That is, the
government is now the bank. Will be interesting to see how burned the main
street taxpayer will be when GM asks the government for $25 or $50 billion!
No investor in their right mind would loan GM money, forget about the
rates....but know most of the loans will go bad and Joe Smuck taxpayer gets
to pay for it.

"The General........Public:.are.. Lobotomized Sheep" <The
General.........Public:.are. Lobotomized
Post by The General........Public:.are.. Lobotomized Sheep
Globalists Exploit Financial Meltdown In Move Towards One World Currency
The swift and ruthless exploitation of the economic meltdown on behalf of
globalists and central banks revolves around their drive to move towards a
one world currency system and an unprecedented centralization of global
financial power.
Monday, October 20, 2008
The swift and ruthless exploitation of the economic meltdown on behalf of
globalists and central banks revolves around their drive to move towards a
one world currency system and an unprecedented centralization of global
financial power.
Statements on behalf of world leaders and central banks over the past two
weeks have made it clear that the agenda to further collate economic power
and control of currencies into the hands of the few is rapidly
accelerating - all in the name of solving a financial crisis that was caused
as a result of the same fiat money system that the elite themselves created
and maintained.
The original Bretton Woods agreement in 1944, spurred by the depression of
the 1930s and the second world war, created the International Monetary Fund,
the World Bank and laid down common standards for markets around the world.
Now with the current financial crisis EU leaders see another opportunity to
impose global regulations on sovereign economies.
As the crisis reached its peak at the end of September, British Prime
Minister Gordon Brown led the call for "a new global financial order" in
which the world financial system would be built around a centrally
coordinated policy of international regulation.
Morgan Stanley Chief Executive John Mack has also called for a new global
body to oversee the financial crisis, warning that it is like nothing he's
ever seen before.
The sentiment echoes those of elite figures such as CFR member Jeffrey
Garten and Timothy Geithner, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York, who have both recently called for a "new global monetary authority",
de-facto global financial dictatorship, operating across borders and forcing
nations and corporations to register and adhere to strict monitoring and
European Central Bank council member Ewald Nowotny told Bloomberg yesterday
that the centrality of the U.S. dollar was in question and that a
"tri-polar" global currency system is in development between the U.S.,
and Europe to replace it.
This followed a call by French President to question whether a "worldwide
currency system" should be introduced in response to the financial crisis.
"Another subject in tomorrow's world is that of the great currencies. How
many should there be? What should the agreement between these great
currencies be? Should we organize a discussion? Should a country like India
one day have a global currency?" Sarkozy told a news conference, reports
Any discussion would be purely academic, as the ruling elite long ago
decided to force a global currency down our throats. In fact, a global
currency is at the very core of their plan to dominate the world. Control
money and you control the destiny of states, you eliminate national
sovereignty. "The control of money and credit strikes at the very heart of
national sovereignty," A.W. Clausen, president of Bank of America once
As Georgetown professor and CFR historian Carroll Quigley noted, the goal of
the banking families and their minions consists of "nothing less than to
create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate
the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a
whole. controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world
acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private
meetings and conferences."
It remains to be seen if the EU will realize its "solution" to the world
economic crisis. In 2007, Robert Mundell, "the father of the euro," noted
that "international monetary reform usually becomes possible only in
response to a felt need and the threat of a global crisis."
Certainly, the elite cooked up an appropriate global crisis, now they will
engage in a full court press to establish a global currency and eventually a
global government.
Edwin Tadzowski
2008-10-21 23:13:06 UTC
Post by Canuck57
It will not happen in our lifetimes where the world has one currency. 2
huge reasons.
First, the banks enjoy quite a benefit from exchange of money. Say they
get 1.5% in converting CAD to US for $1,000,000 of lettuce from
California, that is $10,000 for one transaction! Consumers pick this up
as added cost with no real value but the banks it is serious income.

Ask him about the so-called "Amero" that he brought to being Big News via an
item posted by him in this newsgroup earlier this year. He figured it was
real, his favourite article about it quoted a guy who claimed he had in his
possession a test coin from the Denver U.S. Mint. Turns out the coin was a
novelty coin, but the idiot conspirators thought it was real.

The other aspect is that there are many differences in economies globally.
Third World currencies simply do not have the
same value as those from North America, Europe, Japan, Australia/New Zealand
and other countries which have well
developed economies.
2008-10-22 13:23:03 UTC
Post by Edwin Tadzowski
Post by Canuck57
It will not happen in our lifetimes where the world has one currency. 2
huge reasons.
First, the banks enjoy quite a benefit from exchange of money. Say they
get 1.5% in converting CAD to US for $1,000,000 of lettuce from
California, that is $10,000 for one transaction! Consumers pick this up
as added cost with no real value but the banks it is serious income.
Ask him about the so-called "Amero" that he brought to being Big News via
an item posted by him in this newsgroup earlier this year. He figured it
was real, his favourite article about it quoted a guy who claimed he had
in his possession a test coin from the Denver U.S. Mint. Turns out the
coin was a novelty coin, but the idiot conspirators thought it was real.
The other aspect is that there are many differences in economies globally.
Third World currencies simply do not have the
same value as those from North America, Europe, Japan, Australia/New
Zealand and other countries which have well
developed economies.
But a currency worth salt would have the same value anywhere. But
governments like the ability to create/print money and it is viewed as free
income. But in reality it is used to steal wealth from the system via
currency dilution.

Yes, the Amero was hype, but I am sure our politicians talk of it. But as
the fiat pyramid scheme of government and banking collapsed their priorities
changed. Make no mistake about it, modern day banking is a pyramid scheme
of a grand scale.
The General........Public:.are.. Lobotomized Sheep
2008-10-23 19:48:47 UTC
Post by Edwin Tadzowski
Post by Canuck57
It will not happen in our lifetimes where the world has one currency. 2
huge reasons.
First, the banks enjoy quite a benefit from exchange of money. Say they
get 1.5% in converting CAD to US for $1,000,000 of lettuce from
California, that is $10,000 for one transaction! Consumers pick this up
as added cost with no real value but the banks it is serious income.
Ask him about the so-called "Amero"
That moron was what the Liberals in Canada and bush and fox the Mexican bean
head wanted in agreements they signed, but then Robert you had all this
explain before and yet you still choose to remain a willfully ignorant kook,
but don't worry the EU will do what they can for you soon enough and you
still can be the police state idiot and loser all you want...

EU President Calls For "Global Governance" To Solve Financial Crisis

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The economic turmoil will be the focus of the two-day, 43-nation Asia-Europe
Meeting, which opens Friday in Beijing, according to European Union
President Jose Manuel Barroso, speaking at the EU's Beijing office Thursday.

Leaders hope this week's summit in China will help bring agreement on a
response to the crisis ahead of a November 15 meeting hosted by U.S.
President George W. Bush in Washington.

"We need a coordinated global response to reform the global financial
system. We are living in unprecedented times and we need unprecedented
levels of global coordination," The Associated Press reported Barroso as
saying. "It's very simple. We swim together or we sink together."

Barroso outlined no specific proposals but said a solution needed to be
based on transparency, responsibility, cross-border supervision and global
governance. He also said the world's financial system needed "major reform."
2008-10-24 04:37:41 UTC
On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 19:48:47 GMT, "The General........Public:.are..
Lobotomized Sheep" <The General.........Public:.are. Lobotomized
Post by The General........Public:.are.. Lobotomized Sheep
EU President Calls For "Global Governance" To Solve Financial Crisis
It's what is needed to curb the power of the World Trade Organization
(WTO) and the transnational corporations. Of the 100 most powerful
economies in the world today, 50 of them are transnationals.

They are accountable to NO-ONE !

The General........Public:.are.. Lobotomized Sheep
2008-10-26 00:41:17 UTC
Post by penny
On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 19:48:47 GMT, "The General........Public:.are..
Lobotomized Sheep" <The General.........Public:.are. Lobotomized
Post by The General........Public:.are.. Lobotomized Sheep
EU President Calls For "Global Governance" To Solve Financial Crisis
It's what is needed to curb the power of the World Trade Organization
(WTO) and the transnational corporations. Of the 100 most powerful
economies in the world today, 50 of them are transnationals.
They are accountable to NO-ONE !
So in other words Penny you are willing to give up your rights and freedoms
for the New World Order kooks, who in the end will only make you a slave
anyhow...to do as they please...nice!
Post by penny
2008-10-26 04:42:04 UTC
On Sun, 26 Oct 2008 00:41:17 GMT, "The General........Public:.are..
Lobotomized Sheep" <The General.........Public:.are. Lobotomized
Post by The General........Public:.are.. Lobotomized Sheep
Post by penny
On Thu, 23 Oct 2008 19:48:47 GMT, "The General........Public:.are..
Lobotomized Sheep" <The General.........Public:.are. Lobotomized
Post by The General........Public:.are.. Lobotomized Sheep
EU President Calls For "Global Governance" To Solve Financial Crisis
It's what is needed to curb the power of the World Trade Organization
(WTO) and the transnational corporations. Of the 100 most powerful
economies in the world today, 50 of them are transnationals.
They are accountable to NO-ONE !
So in other words Penny you are willing to give up your rights and freedoms
for the New World Order kooks, who in the end will only make you a slave
anyhow...to do as they please...nice!
What on earth makes you believe that Global Governance is composed of
'New World Order Kooks". You are labouring under a huge

You can get an MA in Global Governance from my local University. It's
Mainstream , you 'kook' !! :-)

There are thousands of people, NGO's Universities, etc. etc. fighting
for Global Governance.

The General........Public:.are.. Lobotomized Sheep
2008-10-27 04:42:48 UTC
Post by penny
On Sun, 26 Oct 2008 00:41:17 GMT, "The General........Public:.are..
Lobotomized Sheep" <The General.........Public:.are. Lobotomized
Post by The General........Public:.are.. Lobotomized Sheep
So in other words Penny you are willing to give up your rights and freedoms
for the New World Order kooks, who in the end will only make you a slave
anyhow...to do as they please...nice!
What on earth makes you believe that Global Governance is composed of
'New World Order Kooks". You are labouring under a huge
What is it that you don't understand about this Penny.
Lets sum it up for you!

Unfortunately for the people of the world everything is going according to
the New World Order Plan. But what is this New World Order Plan? In a
nutshell the Plan is this. The Dark Agenda of the secret planners of the New
World Order is to reduce the world's population to a "sustainable" level "in
perpetual balance with nature" by a ruthless Population Control Agenda via
Population and Reproduction Control. A Mass Culling of the People via
Planned Parenthood, toxic adulteration of water and food supplies, release
of weaponised man-made viruses, man-made pandemics, mass vaccination
campaigns and a planned Third World War. Then, the Dark Agenda will impose
upon the drastically reduced world population a global feudal-fascist state
with a World Government, World Religion, World Army, World Central Bank,
World Currency and a micro-chipped population. In short, to kill 90% of the
world's population and to control all aspects of the human condition and
thus rule everyone, everywhere from the cradle to the grave.
Post by penny
You can get an MA in Global Governance from my local University. It's
Mainstream , you 'kook' !! :-)
Well good for you Penny, we all know and see how you want your NWO kooks in
power telling you what to do and think!
You could now ask, "So what? We have all these people talking to each other,
networking; but the big issues of the day are in the arena of high
politics-terrorism, nonproliferation, ethnic conflict, and major (or at
least potential) economic crises. Networking is what happens among
bureaucrats. This isn't relevant to world order in the grand terms that was
initially proclaimed it."
Post by penny
There are thousands of people, NGO's Universities, etc. etc. fighting
for Global Governance.
They will lose in the end and become slaves to their masters, just like you

When the Cold War ended, so ended the old way of looking at the world. For
example, after Iraq had invaded Kuwait and George Bush the First announced
plans to halt the advance of Saddam Hussein, he declared a new world order.
And although the reliance on multilateral institutions is still the norm for
global governance today, the frosty clarity of that time has given way to a
foggy bottom of differences, leaving us to search for solutions in order to
remove the obstacles that abound for solving many of the world's problems.

For many of you, thinking about global governance is your occupation, for
others a preoccupation, and with each new international crisis there is a
concern about the asymmetric manner in which countries approach these major

Likewise in the NGO [non-governmental organization] world: we have seen the
power of the human rights movement, the labor rights movement, the
anti-globalization movement, the environmental movement, all of which
consist of networks of organizations. They interact, coordinate, exchange
information regularly, develop common practices, and operate globally while
retaining their distinct (often national) identities. They like the rest are
just another form of those wishing to use their own brand of terrorism to
control people and their lives. And you Penny got suck right in with all
this nonsense. People do not want a centralized global institution, which is
the normal way one responds to the need for "increased governance capacity".

In essence, one creates a government, whether at the local, state, or
national level. This will not happen globally. I say that with great
confidence as an American, because it is very clear the American people
won't support it, nor would many people elsewhere in the world support the
idea of having a truly global government. Only you kooks will support such
utter nonsense.

All this is, what is called "global governance" is another terrorist network
in Foreign Policy ie, terrorism is only one of at least five crimes
committed by global criminal networks (NWO kooks) Money laundering, arms
trafficking, trafficking in people, trafficking in drugs, and even
intellectual piracy round out the list. Many will just arm themselves and
refuse to give up their birth rights.
Post by penny
The General........Public:.are.. Lobotomized Sheep
2008-10-23 19:48:47 UTC
Post by Canuck57
It will not happen in our lifetimes where the world has one currency. 2
huge reasons.
Yes it will....
Post by Canuck57
First, the banks enjoy quite a benefit from exchange of money. Say they get
1.5% in converting CAD to US for $1,000,000 of lettuce from California, that
is $10,000 for one transaction! Consumers pick this up as added cost with
no real value but the banks it is serious income.
Your wrong, but that's ok .....you got some stuff right at times, but need
to look further ahead, as they not only want one money system for now to
control people, but it will leed to people forced to make and do their
choices and you will have no say.
Now these kooks also want a global government also, so you can bend over and
take it up the ass when they say....

EU President Calls For "Global Governance" To Solve Financial Crisis
Thursday, October 23, 2008

The economic turmoil will be the focus of the two-day, 43-nation Asia-Europe
Meeting, which opens Friday in Beijing, according to European Union
President Jose Manuel Barroso, speaking at the EU's Beijing office Thursday.

Leaders hope this week's summit in China will help bring agreement on a
response to the crisis ahead of a November 15 meeting hosted by U.S.
President George W. Bush in Washington.

"We need a coordinated global response to reform the global financial
system. We are living in unprecedented times and we need unprecedented
levels of global coordination," The Associated Press reported Barroso as
saying. "It's very simple. We swim together or we sink together."

Barroso outlined no specific proposals but said a solution needed to be
based on transparency, responsibility, cross-border supervision and global
governance. He also said the world's financial system needed "major reform."